Aliases: [cluescrolls, cluescroll]
/cluescroll give
/cluescroll give [PlayerName]
/cluescroll givecrystal
/cluescroll givecrystal [PlayerName]
/cluescroll giveall
/cluescroll reload
/cluescroll rehook
/cluescroll additem
/cluescroll addcommand
/cluescroll removereward
/cluescroll listrewards
/cluescroll rewardinfo
/cluescroll getreward
/cluescroll editor
/cluescroll resetcooldown
/cluescroll customtrigger
/cluescroll shop
/cluescroll chest
/cluescroll debug
Installing Clue Scrolls is easy as can be. Follow the few steps below and you'll be all set.
When the plugin loads for the files time, default configration files will automatically load. Use these files as a reference with their comments explaining parts of the configs. When you update cluescrolls, if there were any changes to the config, your current config will auotmiatcally backup in your ClueScrolls/backups directory and will automatically update to the newer format. Any missing messages in the messages file are added if missing.
config.yml [1.8.x-1.12.x]
config.yml [1.13.x]
config.yml [1.14.x-1.15.x]
config.yml [1.16.x+]
rewards.yml [1.8.4+]
messages.yml [All versions]
(Displaying the defaults clues + rewards)
Cluescrolls comes with three default tiers: commmon, special, and legendary.
#The three default tiers. Note that they must be in lowercase in order to work.
#Under each tier are its options such as it's clues, clueCount, etc.
To create a new tier, simply copy a tier from your config and paste it in with a new tier name. All tiers are located under the tiers configuration section.
#To create this new tier I duplicated the entire section of another tier, such as legendary,
#and then assigned it with a unique name of rare
Now that you have copied a tier and all of its contents, you can configure it as normal and it will be available in game when the config is reloaded.
Tiers must be identified in all lowercase!
There's so much you can do with cluescrolls and the creation of your own custom clues that an entire page has been dedicated to explaining all the possibilites! ClueScrolls offers more than 70 clues - 25+ of them are internal minecraft clues such as
the craft clue or the kill clue, and the remaining 45+ are external clues that hook into plugins such as MythicMobs, Votifier, Boss, and more!
There's two types of rewards: item and command. To add rewards, use the following commands.
/cluescrolls additem [Tier] [Name] [Weight]
/cluescrolls addcommand [Tier] [Name] [Weight] [Command]
Adding an item adds the item in your main hand to the rewards for the given tier.
When adding a command, you can use %player% to represent the player's name.
The higher the weight (can be any number, even above 100), the higher the chance of it being given as a reward. It is recommended to use a base number such as 100 to represent general rewards for a tier. Then for rewards you want to be less common use a smaller number such as 25.
Inventory configuration is located in the config.yml
under the inventory
configuration section.
The chest inventory is accessed by /cluescrolls chest
The title of this inventory can be edited in the config.yml under the inventory.chest
Default chest inventory configuration:
title: '&8◆ &n&lScroll Storage&r &8◆'
The scroll inventory is accessed by /cluescrolls shop
, or /cluescrolls
for regular users.
The configuration for this is located in your config.yml under the inventory.purchase
Default scroll inventory configuration:
title: '&8◆ &n&lClue Scrolls&r &8◆'
size: 9
name: '%mystery_scroll_mystery_title%'
- '&7Click to unlock a &b&lMystery &7clue scroll'
- ''
- '&a&lCOST:&r&a %cost% &a&lXP'
material: PAPER
amount: 1
hideAttributes: true
#scroll or crystal
type: scroll
#mystery or tier
type-2: mystery
#target name of item
name: mystery
currency: EXP
amount: 1
cost: 1000
#permission: cluescrolls.tier.mystery
identifier: scroll_purchase
time: -1
message: '&cToo soon, you must wait %cooldown% before using this again.'
This inventory is fully customizable.
To create a larger inventory, modify the size: 9
to be a larger multiple of 9 such as 18 for a 2 row inventory, or 27 for a 3 row inventory.
The items
section allows you to add additional scroll items for sale. The key is the slot ID the item will appear in. For example, 5
displays the item in the center of the first row.
Each item can have a purchase action. Items which do not specify a purchase action will still be displayed, but as a static item only to decorate the inventory. For example, you might add an item in the first slot with a lore that explains the inventory to users.
A purchase action requires a type
and a type-2
. These values correspond to those used in the /cluescrolls give
: scroll
or crystal
: mystery
or tier
: The name field is the name of the scroll or mystery tier. Examples: common
, legendary
, or the name of a mystery tier such as mystery
or exclusivemystery
. The names are found in your config.yml under the tiers or mystery configuration sections.
The currency
type used by a purchase action can be one the following:
You can specify a cooldown for purchase actions. The cooldown time
is specified in seconds.
The cooldown identifier
is used to identify this cooldown. It can be unique to the purchase action, or shared with other purchase actions.
For example, if you allow players to purchase only one scroll every 12 hours but allow the user to choose the scroll you would use the same identifier label for all of these purchase actions.
Default rewards inventory configuration:
title: '&8◆ &n&lRewards&r &8◆'
size: 27
randomly-place-items: true
gui-enabled: true
If gui-enabled
is set to false, rewards will automatically be placed into the player's inventory, or dropped at their location if inventory space is unavailable.
The scrolls chest is accessed by users with the /cluescrolls chest
This provides a way for players to complete scrolls without taking up inventory space in their player inventory. The scrolls chest only allows players to store scrolls and will prevent any other items from entering.
The size of the player's scroll chest is set by permission using the format cluescrolls.chestsize.[#]
The number must be a multiple of 9: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, or 54.
Scroll chests are stored to your SQL database configured in the database.yml
. Note that switching from a local sqlite to MySQL server will cause players to lose their chests. If you are already using an sqlite database in production you should not change this.
ClueScrolls provides an interal way to config mob drops of scroll items.
Default mob drops configuration:
#0.5% chance of dropping when one of the following are killed
chance: 0.5
#scroll or crystal
type: scroll
#mystery or tier
type-2: mystery
#target name of item
name: mystery
amount: 1
#permission for this scroll drop. To skip permission remove permission line.
permission: cluescrolls.mobdrop.exampledrop
Multiple mob drops can be created and can be controlled by permission. To make a mob drop available to all players, give your default permissions group access, or remove the permission
from the mob drop.
Most messages are located in the messages.yml
. Some messages that are specific to tiers are located directly inside the config.yml
because they require unique color or contents.
Messages are fully configurable and can trigger many actions besides static text.
A single message may be provided in-line, or a list may be provided if there are multiple messages and actions to execute.
Default clue-complete message:
- '&a&l(!) &aYou have completed the &a&l%clueName%&r&a clue!'
- '<title>&a&lClue Completed<subtitle>&7%objective%'
For this example we are looking at the default clue-complete message seen in the messages.yml.
The first item in the list messages the player with a regular message.
The second item in the list sends a title message &a&lClue Completed
with the subtitle &7%objective%
In addition to regular chat messages, special actions can be executed by creating additional message lines and using the correct XML style notation.
The messaging system supports the following actions:
The delay tag can be placed in-line before any message or other action type. It will execute the message action after the delay has passed. The delay must be provided in ticks. The server runs at 20 ticks per second, so a delay of 20 is equal to 1 second.
All other lines will execute immediately and independently of this delay action.
Example usage:
This will delay execution of the following message action in the same line. In this example, nothing follows this delay so no addition actions take place.
Example usage:
<delay=20>After waiting a second, I'm now sending this message.
In this example, the message is executed after waiting 1 second.
The command tag is used to specify that a line is a command and should be executed by console.
Example usage:
<command>eco give %player% 100
When a message is sent, the eco give command was executed.
The console tag is used to send a message into the console. This is useful for debugging, or notifying the console of certain events.
Example usage:
<console>Hello, console!
The sound tag is used to play a sound to the target player or players of a message.
Example usage:
Sounds are provided by XSeries and are compatible across server versions.
The firework tag is used to create fireworks at the player's location.
Example usage seen in default common tier completeMessage:
'- <firework power="127" detonate="20"><effect type="BURST" flicker="true" color="GREEN" fade="WHITE"/><effect type="BURST" flicker="true" color="#5cd60a" fade="WHITE"/></firework>'
A firework tag can provide the attributes power (default 127) and detonate (default 0).
must be a number between 0 and 127
is a number in ticks the delay before the firework explodes. A detonate value of 0 will immediately explode the firework when it is spawned. A detonate value of 20 will wait 1 second for the firework to fly upward before detonating.
A firework tag must contain firework effects inside of it. The firework can contain 1 or many effects.
Each firework effect can provide the following attributes, or a default value will be used:
- default of WHITEfade
- default of WHITEtype
- default of BALLflicker
- default of truetrail
- default of trueThe color and fade attributes are a color and can be any of the default color names provided by the server, or a custom HEX color.
Default Server Colors
Example Hex color: #FFFFFF
A single firework effect can have multiple colors shown. To do this provide a list of colors separated by a comma.
The type
must be a firework effect type provided by the server: Firework Effect Types
Each firework effect tag must end with a \>
A firework containing firework effects must end with a </firework>
Example usage seen in the default legendary tier completeMessage:
- '<firework power="127" detonate="20"><effect type="BURST" flicker="true" color="GREEN" fade="WHITE"/><effect type="BURST" flicker="true" color="#5cd60a" fade="WHITE"/></firework>'
- '<delay=20><firework power="127" detonate="20"><effect type="BALL" flicker="true" color="#ff24ba" fade="WHITE"/><effect type="STAR" flicker="true" color="#ff24ba" fade="WHITE"/></firework>'
- '<delay=40><firework power="127" detonate="20"><effect type="BALL_LARGE" flicker="true" color="#f5d400,#fff199,ORANGE" fade="WHITE"/></firework>'
In this example multiple fireworks will be created and the <delay=#>
tag is used on two of the fireworks.
This creates the effect of launching a firework every second and detonating them one second later.
The title tag is used to create a title bar message for the player.
Titles are displayed for the global duration specified in the title configuration section of the config.yml.
Example usage (title only):
Example usage (with a subtitle):
<title>&a&lClue Completed<subtitle>&7%objective%
To display a title with a subtitle, both tags must be provided in the same line.
The subtitle tag may be used alongside the title tag to display a subtitle with the main title message.
If the subtitle tag is used on its own message line, a subtitle only message will be sent to the player.
Example usage:
<subtitle>Small Message
In this message, the text Small Message will be displayed to the player.
The actionbar tag is used to display an action bar message above the player's hotbar.
Example usage:
<actionbar>&e&nThis is an action bar message
The bossbar tag is used display a boss bar message to the player. Boss bars required server version 1.9+ to be used.
The bossbar must provide addition attributes inside its tag to function.
Example usage:
<bossbar color=green style=test length=20>Task Completed!
must be one of the following: Bar Color
must be one of the following: Bar Style
is the time in ticks to display the boss bar
The text following the end of the tag is the message to display. Color codes are supported.
The center tag is used to message the player with a centered chat message. This will only work if the player is using the default chat setting configuration.
Example usage:
<center>&aCentered chat message
The close inventory tag is used to close the player's current inventory. This is useful for menus where a player cannot complete an action and you want their menu closed before displaying a chat or title message.
Example usage:
This tag is used to message the player with json formatted messages. These messages can suggest commands, run commands, open URLs, and display text on hover.
Not yet supported.
The following placeholders can be used in PlaceholderAPI
Create a leaderboard using ajLeaderboards
- Total count of all completed scrolls
- Count of completed scrolls of given tier
- Total count of all completed clues
- Count of completed clues of given clue type
- Total count of all rewards received
- Count of received rewards of given reward tier
The database used by ClueScrolls can be a mysql like database such as MariaDB, or h2 - a local internal database server.
# +----------------------------------------------------+
# < ClueScrolls Database Config File >
# < For MC versions 1.8.4+ >
# < To reload your changes, /cluescrolls reload >
# < >
# < >
# < >
# +----------------------------------------------------+
#Database configuration
#mysql or h2
type: h2
#prefix for all tables used by cluescrolls
tables_prefix: 'cluescrolls_'
#configure if using h2
file: database.db
#configure if using mysql
hostname: 'localhost'
port: '3306'
dbname: 'mydb'
username: root
password: 'password'
# Do not edit this!
version: 4.5.2
Not convinvced yet that ClueScrolls is right for you? Try it out on the official test server!
Official Test Server (Versions 1.8-1.15.2)
Current ClueScroll files on demo: download
Tutorial coming soon for the two events and ClueScrollsAPI class. If you'd like to figure some things out yourself, the API docs can be found it. It should be fairly straight forward on how to use.
A ClueConfigData object represents a data key and it's value type as it would be used in the clue config. Ex:
To create custom clues, you must first create a CustomClue object. This contains a reference to your plugin, the clue name, and a varargs list of ClueConfigData objects.
CustomClue myClue = ClueScrollsAPI.getInstance().registerCustomClue(MyPlugin.get(), "myclue", clueConfigData...);
Example clue data pair:
ClueConfigData ccd = new ClueConfigData("customdata", DataType.MATERIAL);
Once your CustomClue is created, register it as a custom clue with ClueScrollsAPI.registerCustomClue(myClue);
Your clue will be registered as {plugin_name}_{clue_name}
. In this case, it would be myplugin_myclue
To call for ClueScrolls to process a clue, call CustomClue#handle(Player player, ClueDataPair... clueDataPairs);
A ClueDataPair is an object like ClueConfigData, but containing a value that will be checked with the data of defined clues. Ex:
ClueDataPair cdp = new ClueDataPair("customdata", Material.STONE);
If a value will be null, a ClueDataPair for it does not need to be specified in the handle.
ClueScrolls collects usage data to assist the development. The data submitted by these services is completely anonymous.
bStats: (Since v1.6.6)
Metrics: (Added since first release)
If there is an error, your best course of action is to send a PM on spigotmc or post a comment with the stack trace in the discussion of the plugin before leaving a review and it will be fixed asap.
If you have any ideas/features you would like to be added to the plugin, just send a PM or leave them on the discussion page of the plugin.